Rakennusfysiikka 2017

24.-26.10.2017, Tampere

Keynote -puheenvuorot

Tiistai 24.10.

"Moisture and building physics in research and practice - some Norwegian experiences from the last 10 years"

Professor Stig Geving, NTNU, Norway

Stig Geving is professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He also work at Sweco as a consultant in building Physics. He has over 25 years of experience in research, consulting and information work within general building technology and building physics. His main focus has been heat and moisture transfer in buildings and building components, with a special emphasis on envelope design, moisture simulations, moisture damages and practical moisture handling in the building process. Building physical issues in regard to energy retrofits and energy efficient buildings such as passive houses and zero energy buildings has also been a focus the recent years.

Geving has written a substantial number of textbooks, reports, papers and articles within these subjects. He is often presenting at conferences and other profesional arenas, in Norway and internationally.


“Buildings of tomorrow - Moisture safe, nearly-zero-energy and BIM based solutions”

Professor Thomas Bednar, TU Wien, Austria

Thomas BEDNAR, M.Sc. and Ph.D. from TU Wien, is a full professor for Building Physics at TU Wien - Vienna University of Technology. He has participated in the Nordic Building Physics conferences since 1999 and written many papers related to energy use, moisture and building acoustics both on calculations and measurements and is now finishing projects on plus-plus energy high rise office buildings and on safeguarding wooden beam ends after renovations of brick-buildings from 1900. Since 2016 he is coordinator of CIB Working Commission W040 “Heat and Moisture transfer in buildings”. CIB W040 is currently inviting all stakeholders to take part in the preparation of a research roadmap towards “Moisture Safe buildings” which will be presented 2019.


Keskiviikko 25.10.

"Miten 100-vuotias Suomi pyrkii ratkaisemaan rakennusten sisäilmaongelmat"

Neuvotteleva virkamies Vesa Pekkola, Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö

VESA PEKKOLA, dipl.ins. Lappeenrannan teknisestä yliopistosta v. 2003. Sertifioitu rakennusterveysasiantuntija vuodesta 2007 lähtien. Toimii nykyisin sosiaali- ja terveysministeriössä neuvottelevana virkamiehenä terveydensuojeluun ja erityisesti asumisterveyteen liittyvien kysymysten parissa. Aikaisemmin hän on toiminut Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirastossa ja Kouvolan kaupungilla asumisterveyteen liittyvissä viranomaistehtävissä. Pekkola on mm. valmistellut asumisterveysasetuksen, jossa säädetään asuntojen ja muiden oleskelutilojen terveydellisistä olosuhteista. Kyseisessä asetuksessa säädetään myös rakennusterveyteen liittyvien terveydensuojeluviranomaisten käyttämien asiantuntijoiden pätevyysvaatimuksista. Hän on muutoinkin osallistunut valtakunnalliseen rakennusterveyteen liittyvien kysymysten kehittämiseen lukuisissa eri työryhmissä ja hankkeissa. 


Torstai 26.10.

"Innovation strategies for the built environment in research, practice, and teaching"

Instructor, Architect P. Michael Pelken, University of Cambridge, P+ Consulting, England

Michael Pelken is a registered architect and innovator with a 20 year track record of award winning and patented developments in design, architecture, and engineering. He has practiced in Germany, Italy, the UK, USA and China. His work has been widely published and exhibited. He has lectured and contributed to over 40 conferences internationally that focus on innovation in the built environment. Prior to assuming industry leadership roles to manage R&D portfolios, he was a tenured Research Professor at Syracuse University, Research Fellow at the New York State Center of Excellence for Energy and Environmental Systems, and Director of SU's London architecture program. He has developed a diverse set of skills to drive change at the interfaces of academic and industry led developments, most recently through funded work with UCL and industry research supervision at the University of Cambridge. During his tenure, he introduced novel solutions for the integration of wind technologies in product and building applications, and co-led the US Department of Energy funded Virtual Design Studio development. Michael is partner of London based P+ Studio and Consulting, Visiting Professor at Nanjing University and Southeast University, and co-founder of the ProID Alliance for Product Innovation in Germany. In 2017 he joined the faculty at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership in the Interdisciplinary Design in the Built Environment programme. He is passionate about interdisciplinary collaboration and educating the next generation of creative industry leaders.
