Automated Concentrator Mini-Pilot Plant, Oulu Mining School

Participants can visit Mini-Pilot Plant for free 17th of June at 8.50- 10.30. Please register to this visit at the info desk.

Oulu Mining School invested at 2011 in continuous minipilot size concentrator plant at a scale of 1:5000 of the Pyhäsalmi mine. The minipilot plant offers an innovative environment for education and research about and into minerals processing unit operations.

In the beneficiations we obey the principles of sustainable development and our aims are for example develop energy and chemicals-efficient, safe, highly automated, remote controlled, closed beneficiation processes.

More about Mini-Pilot Plant:




Printocent - towards industrialization and commercialization

Participants can visit Printocent for free 16th of June at 15.30-17.00. Please register to this visit at the info desk.

Printocent homepage: Printocent

The main focus of PrintoCent activities is to create novel components, products and solutions enabled by printed intelligence technologies. To support this, there is a clear aim to form new companies with new business models. Today 42 companies are members in PrintoCent Industrial Cluster.

PrintoCent provides a world class design, development and manufacturing environment with special focus on Roll-to-Roll (R2R) and hybrid manufacturing, optical measurements and multiple applications ranging from printed passive and active electronic components to microfluidic solutions, printed indicators and Point of Care diagnostics. With the multitude of possibilities there are great opportunities to new type of products and to disrupt existing value chains in all industries.

Currently, there are above 300 experts working in the PrintoCent community, which comprises member companies, start-ups/business cases in training/accelerator phase, universities and research institutes.
The PrintoCent business development and pilot manufacturing center is located in Oulu, Finland. PrintoCent's project based operations are jointly developed and implemented, the overall programme is coordinated by VTT. The PrintoCent 2013-2015 programme looks after Product Concepts for 100.000 pcs market trials and builds corresponding industrial value chains.

Come and visit us!