Challenge 10 - Interactive Diagrams


Description of the challenge

In the future, Augmented Reality will make it possible to project all kinds of modeled processes into reality. Currently, logistic processes are often planned using diagrams such as path-time diagrams or bar charts. 



How can diagrams of today enrich the Augmented Reality of the future? I.e. how can diagrams of logistic processes be projected into/onto reality to enrich the understanding of the planners and operational personel involved? How would they need to change in order to convey information effectively and efficiently? How could these diagrams look like, how could they provide an interface to navigating and optimizing models? How could these diagrams be further enriched by other augmentation data, for instance, real-time sensory data?




Peter Ziegler
Software Developer
Sersa Group AG

David Schantz
Software Developer
Sersa Group AG 


Marwin Voss
Construction Site Manager
Sersa Group AG


Marcel Nolte
Construction Site Manager
Sersa Group AG 

Video regarding the challenge